
Part: 2 Family Introduction and the names I'm Going to call them in this blog

So in the previous part, I told you about the paternal side of my family but let's see how my life is on the Maternal side of my family let's start I don't have my grandpa from my mom's side he passed away when my mom was small so I can't say anything there after that my grandma married for 2nd time but I don't remember him too because he too passed away when I was little so let's see my this side of the family. so my grandma has 5 children 4 girls and 1 boy and the order is like this 1 girl then boy then 2nd girl then 3rd girl then 4th girl  my 1st aunt, I call her Aunty Mama so she married off when she was so young like my age and she has a daughter born in 2003 My 1 only uncle, he has married in 2019 and has a daughter who is like 5 years ago  My 2nd aunt has the same but a different story she has 2 children a boy and a girl she also had a husband but he died in 2010 and did a 2nd marriage, her boy was born in 2001, and a girl in 2004. Then my 3rd aunt ca...

Family Introduction and the names I'm Going to call them in this blog

 Hi, Welcome Back!. So as I said in my previous blog that I will introduce my family and friends and I would like to say some about myself too.  So lets get started but before that thanks to the 5 people who read my blog yesterday I'm so happy about that and now lets really get started: I used to live in my joint family but from a few years I'm living in an apartment with my 3 brothers and parents and I will write what will I call my family member here because as I said I'm not using real names  So it's like this first my older brother and then my another brother and I come after that and then my little brother come and now about my joint family. In my joint family I have my grandparents and then 6 uncles (my father's brothers) and they all are married so it makes I have 6 aunts (my father's brother's wife) and then I have cousins in my paternal family so it comes like this: my 1st uncle and his wife have 2 children's a boy and a girl (girl is older like...

A Little Entry

Welcome To Maybar's Little World                   Here I write about my normal life and what happened and I won't be using real                     names so Introduction blog will come soon and till then I wanna talk about my                     self as I said I won't be saying my real name so you can call me Maybar it's a                    nickname I have given myself (yeah my family members call me by my name                   and I don't have a nickname) but let me say something about myself but before                    I begin I want to say that I'm writing blog so I can i nteract with other people or else                   I might have writ...